Alexander Wang is the most decorated US fashion designer still selling products made from the skins of fur-bearing animals, and for this reason, CAFT is excited to announce that he is the grassroots anti-fur movement’s next top target.

As of today, Alexander Wang features a pair of sandals made from the bodies of slaughtered rabbits. In the wild, these social creatures often live in large groups, engaging in playful interactions. This stark contrast becomes particularly apparent when compared to the conditions on fur farms, where rabbits are forced to spend their entire lives confined to small cages, lacking the space to hop, explore, or socialize as they would naturally.

We are calling on every activist who wants to see an end to fur to stand up against Alexander Wang. We need phone calls, online actions, and of course, protests.

Start planning an action in your city today against Alexander Wang. If you need help getting started, sign up for our action team.

You can find resources to participate in the campaign at the link here.