Submitted by Chicago Activists –
On Saturday, January 9th, around ten grassroots activists joined together outside of Saks Fifth Avenue on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, maintaining the pressure that began the week before with a disruption. The disruption lasted around 6 minutes inside of the store’s “Fur Salon” while being escorted down the escalator towards the exit. Customers and employees were filming the activists as they demanded Saks to end the sale of animal fur before being kicked out and having the police called on them.
Video of disruption:
This Saturday night, they had a different approach. The focus was on reaching pedestrians who were shopping along the Mag Mile. Many were taking photos and videos while being receptive and asking questions about why we were there. The security team from Saks that had escorted us out the weekend before came outside to film us, presumably to send to upper management, but no police were called, though they did drive by and watch.
Saks is notorious for profiting off of the skins and furs of animals. Inside of their “Fur Salon” are full fur coats that cost upwards to $20,000. We will not tolerate the sale of violence that perpetuates animal torture in our community. We will continue to show up outside of Saks unannounced until we see them ban the sale of fur inside of their stores.
Video of demo outside: