Submitted by Chicago activists:
Chicago activists rattled Alice + Olivia yesterday on the Magnificent Mile. Activists with Fur-Free Chicago attempted to deliver a sign with balloons attached to the retailer, urging them to make a public announcement that they are going fur-free, or that they would have to deal with being our main target. With a protest planned publicly for later in the day, the retailer had their door locked with a sign stating “3 customers inside at a time for your safety.” Yet, just days prior, this was not their policy when 7 activists took over the retail store to disrupt their normalized violence.
Despite this, the employee came to the door, allowing the activist to slide the “gift” into the door, then pushing it out the door when the activist quickly unwrapped the sign, turning on the alarm on and holding it in the window for the employee to see. We walked away while chanting, “Fur trade, death trade.”
Immediately, the retailer called the police. Which resulted in 8 Chicago Police officers on bicycles to arrive to the location, where they remained until our protest began two hours later.
Two hours later, after attempting to occupy the retailer with the balloon drop, 11 activists joined together outside of the retailer, urging them to announce their commitment to no longer torturing animals. Again, the door was locked with a Sergeant inside for the entirety of our demo and 15 police officers standing in front of the retail store, awaiting our next moves.
Activists took turns speaking out against the retailer, pleading with them to announce that their days involved in the violence of animals for fur are over. Activists started chalking the sidewalk outside of A+O, showing the public that the retailer profits off of blood, fear and pain.
The activists escalated against A+O in order to further push the retailer to acknowledge their participation in animal violence and go fur-free. An activist draped in a faux fur coat passionately spoke out for the animals as a red smoke bomb went off representing the blood of animals. The activist draped in faux fur was doused in blood, as he emotionally pleaded with the retailer to leave animals alone.